Get Involved

Connect with veg-heads in Bloomington and make a difference for animals.

Connect Online

Check us out on Instagram, Facebook, and GroupMe.

Attend Events

We’re not holding in-person events right now, but if you sign up for our newsletter you’ll be invited as soon as we resume!


View Current Openings

Volunteering is a powerful way to make an impact in the community. We would love to have you! We have lots of opportunities available.

  • Help maintain the accuracy of our dining guide by getting in touch with restaurants
  • Hang posters, distribute flyers, and stock newsstands with veg eating starter guides
  • Organize events like happy hours, potlucks, family activities, grocery store tours, etc.
  • Organize kid-friendly activities
  • Help manage our social media pages
  • Help advertise BloomingVeg events (like post our events to community event calendars)
  • Plan fundraising activities
  • Organize volunteer days and carpools with Uplands PEAK Sanctuary
  • Leaflet or table at events

Organizing Team

The core organizing team is always welcoming additions. If you’re interested in joining our monthly planning meetings and ongoing volunteer work, send us an email.

One-Off Volunteering

Unable to make an ongoing commitment? We accept sign ups for one-off activities. Let us know you want to volunteer and watch out for action alerts via email.

Email us to get started

Connect With Us

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Dining Guide

Members of BloomingVeg have scoured the dining options in Bloomington to find and recommend the best options for you.

Browse the guide


Gourmet popcorn flavors made in Bloomington.


We’ve been playing it safe with COVID and only hosting occasional outdoor events. You’ll find them listed here.

Recent News

Vegan Cookie Swap & Potluck

Our annual cookie swap is back! Sunday, December 17th at 2pm.

Vegan Cookout

Sunday, September 10th 1pm-4pm at Bryan Park North Shelter


BloomingVeg is an all-ages social and advocacy group for vegetarians, vegans, and veggie-lovers alike in Bloomington, Indiana.