Little Free Pantry Bloomington, fellow project of the Center For Sustainable Living, has a variety of small pantries around town, similar to Little Free Libraries. Can you add a few vegan items to the pantry nearest to you?
Have you heard of a “Little Free Pantry” (LFP)? Little Free Pantry Bloomington, fellow project of the Center For Sustainable Living, has a variety of small pantries around town, similar to Little Free Libraries.
Can you add a few vegan items to the pantry nearest to you?
Here’s how you can help with this project
- Check out the map of LFPs in Bloomington
- Look in your own pantry or head to the store for items in need (list below).
- Add your items to the LFP of your choice
- Snap a picture and post it on Instagram and tag @Bloomingveg or to our Facebook group – we want to see how many pantries we can stock together!
Items In Need that are Vegan-Friendly
Ready to Eat
- Granola bars (Annie’s, LARABAR, some Clif and Nature Valley)
- Mixed nuts
- Nut butter
- Chips & crackers
- Pretzels
- Apple sauce
- Fruit cups
- Dried fruits
- Fresh fruits
- Jams & fruit preserves
- Root vegetables
- Breakfast Cereal (Cap’n Crunch, Quaker Life, Nature’s Path, Grape-Nuts, Kashi, etc.)
- Baby foods (Earth’s Best, Sprout)
- Water
- Juice & sports drinks
- Rice cakes
- Cookies (Oreos, Enjoy Life)
Pantry Staples
- Canned fruits & veggies
- Pasta & jarred sauce
- Non-Dairy boxed mac & cheese (Daiya, Annie’s)
- Dried beans
- Rice
- Quinoa & couscous
- Veggie broth
- Bread
- Nut butters
- Spices
- Vegan or salted popcorn (Boom Chicka Pop)
- Flour
- Vegan sugar (Coconut sugar, Sugar in the Raw)
- Oatmeal
- Coffee & tea
- Baby cereals
- Formula
Home & Personal
- Can opener
- Vegan winter clothing (faux-fur hats, gloves, socks, etc)
- Toilet paper
- Deodorant
- Body wash
- Q-tips
- Sanitizer
- All-purpose cleaner
- Toothbrush & toothpaste
- Shampoo & conditioner
- Feminine hygiene products
- Diapers
- Baby wipes
- Baby wash
- First Aid supplies
- School supplies
- Cards and games